







2014/09 - 2019/12,安徽农业大学,作物生物技术,博士

2010/09- 2014/07,辽宁科技大学,生物工程,学士


(1) 2023/01-至今,云南大学,生态与环境学院,副研究员

(2) 2020/05-2023/01,云南大学,生态与环境学院,师资博士后


本人一直致力于植物-微生物互作机制研究,始终围绕植物-丛枝菌根真菌共生的关键基因挖掘、丛枝菌根真菌介导植物养分吸收的分子机制、丛枝菌根真菌促生效应的根际机制等方面开展研究,先后主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项及多项省级项目,参与多项国家自然科学基金。目前,本人已在国内外期刊发表学术论文27篇,其中以第一或共一身份在Functional EcologyMolecular EcologyPlant & Cell Physiology等杂志上发表SCI论文17篇。本人目前已建立了成熟的应用技术体系,主要包括:(1)丛枝菌根真菌分离和纯培养技术;(2)构建丛枝菌根真菌共生作用下的简化细菌菌群的技术;(3)丛枝菌根真菌扩繁及菌剂制备技术。目前围绕相关技术开发,已获得授权发明专利1项,申请发明专利2项(目前处于实质性审查阶段)。目前是云南大学东陆青年引进人才。


1.担任Frontier in Plant ScienceInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences, Agriculture、Agronomy、Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture、Journal of Fungi、Microorganisms、HorticulturaeMolecules等杂志审稿人。

2.International Journal of Molecular Sciences期刊的Volunteer Reviewer Board成员。

3.Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany青年编辑(Early Career Editorial Board)(2023.02.03-2025.02.03)。

4.International Journal of Molecular Sciences期刊的“Molecular Plant Sciences”专题顾问委员会成员。








1.Xu YJ, Chen Z, Li XY, Tan J, Liu F, Wu JP*. 2022. Mycorrhizal fungi alter root exudation to cultivate a beneficial microbiome for plant growth.Functional Ecology. DOI: 0.1111/1365-2435.14249.

2.Xu YJ, Chen Z, Li XY, Tan J, Liu F, Wu JP*. 2022. The mechanism of promoting rhizosphere nutrient turnover for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi attribute to recruited functional bacterial assembly.Molecular Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/mec.16880.

3.Xu YJ, Chen L, Chen JB, Tan J*, Liu F*. 2022. Genome-wide investigation on metal tolerance protein (MTP) genes in leguminous plants: Glycine max, Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, DOI: 10.1007/s11738-022-03497-1.

4.Xu YJ, Liu F, Shamsur R, Dong H, Hu QX, Tu ZL, Li XY*. 2022. Genome-Wide Analysis of AMT Gene Family and its Response to Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in Maize.Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, DOI : 10.1007/s00344-022-10618-0.

5.Xu YJ, Liu F, Wu FL, Zhao ML, Zhou RF, Wu JP*, Li XY*. 2022. A novel SCARECROW-LIKE3 transcription factor LjGRAS36 in Lotus japonicus regulates the development of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis.Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, DOI: 10.1007/s12298-022-01161-z.

6.Xu YJ, Bao H, Fei HT, Zhou WQ, Li XY*, Liu F*. 2020. Over expression of a phosphate transporter gene ZmPt9 from maize influences growth of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 558:196-201.

7.Xu YJ#, Zhu SW#, Liu F, Wang W, Wang XW, Han GM*, Cheng BJ*. 2018. Identification of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi Responsive microRNAs and Their Regulatory Network in Maize,International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19:3201.

8.Xu YJ, Liu F, Zhu SW, Li XY*. 2018. The Maize NBS-LRR Gene ZmNBS25 Enhances Disease Resistance in Rice and Arabidopsis.Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1033.

9.Xu YJ, Liu F, Zhu SW, Li XY*. 2018. Expression of a maize NBS gene ZmNBS42 enhances disease resistance in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell Reports, 37:1523-1532.

10.Xu YJ, Liu F, Han GM, Wang W, Zhu SW, Li XY*. 2018. Improvement of hairy root induction of Lotus japonicus and development of mycorrhizae-symbiosis system,Applications in Plant Sciences, 6:e1141.

11.Xu YJ, Liu F, Han GM*, Cheng BJ*. 2018. Genome-wide identification and comparative analysis of phosphate starvation responsive transcription factors in maize and three other gramineous plants,Plant Cell Reports, 37:711-726.

12.Xu YJ#, Liu F#, Li XY, Cheng BJ*. The mycorrhiza-induced maize ZmPt9 gene affects root development and phosphate availability in nonmycorrhizal plant. 2018.Plant Signaling & Behavior, doi:10.1080/15592324.2018.1542240.

13.Liu F#,Xu YJ#, Wang HQ, Zhou Y, Cheng BJ, Li XY*. 2020. APETALA 2 transcription factor CBX1 is a regulator of mycorrhizal symbiosis and growth of Lotus japonicas,Plant Cell Reports, doi: 10.1007/s00299-019-02501-2.

14.Liu F#,Xu YJ#, Zhou LY, Asif Ali, Jiang HY, Zhu SW, Li XY*. 2019. DNA Repair Gene ZmRAD51A Improves Rice and Arabidopsis Resistance to Disease,International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20:807.

15.Liu F#,Xu YJ#, Han GM, Wang W, Li XY, Cheng BJ*. 2018. Identification and functional characterization of a maize phosphate transporter induced by mycorrhiza formation.Plant & Cell Physiology, 59:1683–1694.

16.Liu F#,Xu YJ#, Jiang HH, Du YB, Gong C, Wang W, Zhu SW, Han GM*, Cheng BJ*. 2016. Systematic identification, evolution and expression analysis of the Zea mays PHT1 gene family reveals several new members involved in root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17:930.

17.Liu F#,Xu YJ#, Han GM, Zhou LY, Asif Ali, Zhu SW, Li XY*. 2016. Molecular evolution and genetic variation of G2-Like transcription factor genes in maize,PLoS ONE, 11:e0161763.

18.Li XY*,Xu YJ, Liu F, Zhao ML, Sun Y, Ma Q*. 2018. Maize similar to RCD1 gene induced by salt enhances Arabidopsis thaliana abiotic stress resistance,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2018.08.014.

19.Liu JH,Xu YJ, Zhu YM, Yin W, Fan DH, Yan GX, Raza ST, Lu ZY, Chen Z*. 2022. Enhanced soil methane oxidation in both organic layer and topsoil during the succession of subtropical forests.Process Safety and Environmental Protection. DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2022.12.064.

20.Yang X, Hou HY,Xu YJ, Raza ST, Wang LL, Wei WX, Wu JP, Chen Z*. 2022. Divergent pattern of soil CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions in 18-year citrus orchard and Camellia oleifera plantations converted from natural shrub forests.Applied Soil Ecology, 175, 104447.

21.Yang X, Zhu YM,Xu YJ, Zhang ST, Qian QQ, Wang LL, Chen Z*, Wu JP*. 2021. Simulated warming and low O2 promote N2O and N2 emissions in subtropical montane forest soil.Journal of Soils and Sediments, DOI: 10.1007/s11368-022-03234-8.

22.Wang LL, Zhou QQ, Su WH,Xu YJ, Qian QQ, Yang X, Chen DY, Chen Z, Wu JP*. 2022. Responses of fungal community to forest fire are species-specific in Yunnan Plateau, southwest China. Journal of Plant Ecology, DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtac043.

23.Wang Y, Xu Q, Shan H, Ni Y, Xu M,Xu YJ, Cheng BJ*and Li XY*(2023) Genome-wide analysis of 14-3-3 gene family in four gramineae and its response to mycorrhizal symbiosis in maize.Frontiers in Plant Science. 14:1117879. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1117879

24.Han GM#, Cheng C#, Zheng YM, Wang XW,Xu YJ, Wang W, Zhu SW, Cheng BJ*. 2019. Identification of Long Non-Coding RNAs and the Regulatory Network Responsive to Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Colonization in Maize Roots,International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20: 4491.

25.Asif Ali, Liaqat Shah, Shamsur Rahman, Muhammad Waheed Riaz, Mohammad Yahya,Xu YJ, Liu F, Si WN, Jiang HY, Cheng BJ*. 2018. Plant defense mechanism and current understanding of salicylic acid and NPRs in activating SAR.Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, doi: 10.1016/j.pmpp.2018.08.001.

26.全艳玲,王琳,徐云剑,解生权.蛹虫草液体发酵产虫草素研究.中国酿造, 2013, 32(02):99-100.

27.全艳玲,刘贻胜,徐云剑,吴秀红,牛毅,李天伟,兰维秋,陈双全,吕跃东.甘草生物转化菌种选育.中国酿造, 2013, 32(04):123-125.


1李晓玉;徐云剑;吴符浪;邹睿凡;翁斌;张雪红;一种基于夹板水培法的玉米根系突变体筛选方法, 2020-7-30,中国, ZL202010748779.0


