


云南省“兴滇英才支持计划”云岭学者,昆虫生态与生物入侵治理研究课题组(EEBIM)组长,国际期刊Journal of Pest Science、Entomologia Generalis编委,番茄潜叶蛾防控研究国际工作组亚洲区协调人。






基础前沿研究:“土壤氮素-作物-害虫-天敌”立体系统中bottom-up生态效应及间接互作(Indirect interactions);作物应对植食性害虫的预备防御机制(Defense priming);将植物保护与人类当前面临的重大挑战,如气候变化、生物入侵、生物多样性丧失、农田土壤/水环境退化等结合起来研究,开创性地提出了“多病虫多维调控”理论框架(Multi-dimensional Management of Multiple pests,3M理论框架),拟通过一系列研究推动该理论框架的完善和发展。












韩鹏,“Effets bottom-up et top-down des variations de fertilisation et d'irrigation sur des réseaux tri-trophiques en agroécosystème”,法国教育部,优秀博士论文(mention très honorable),2016



2.中国烟草总公司云南省公司科技计划项目重大项目,2022530000241021,云南省烟田昆虫多样性与生态效应评估关键技术研究,2022/01-2024/12, 100万元,外协主持









(1) Salazar-Mendoza P, Bento JMS, Silva DB, P0ascholati SF, Han P, Rodriguez-Saona C (2022) Bottom-up effects of fertilization and jasmonate-induced resistance independently affect the interactions between tomato plants and an insect herbivore Journal of Plant Interactions https://doi.org/10.1080/17429145.2022.2154864

(2) Han P*, Lavoir AV, Rodriguez-Saona C, Desneux N* (2022) Bottom-up Forces in Agroecosystems and Their Potential Impact on Arthropod Pest Management. Annual Review of Entomology 67:239-259(昆虫学权威综述期刊)(ESI高被引论文,热点论文)

(3) Desneux N, Han P*, Mansur R*, Arnó J, Brévault T, Campos MR, Chailleux A, Guedes RNC, Karimi J, Lavoir AV, Luna MG, Perez-Hedo M, Urbaneja A, Verheggen FJ, Zappalà L, Abbes K, Ali A, Bayram Y, Cantor F, Cuthbertson A, De Vis R, Erler F, Firake DM, Haddi K, Ismoilov K, Hajjar MJ, Jaworski CC, Kenis M, Liu HT, Madadi H, Martin T, Mazih A Messelink G, Mohamed SA, Nofemela RS, Oke A, Ramos C, Ricupero M, Roditakis E Shashank PR, Wan FH, Zhang YB, Biondi A (2022) Integrated pest management of Tuta absoluta: practical implementations across different world regions. Journal of Pest Science 95:17-39(番茄潜叶蛾防控全球性综述)(ESI高被引论文,热点论文)

(4) Becker C*, Han P, Campos MR, Bearez P, Thomine E, Le Bot J, Adamowicz S, Brun R, Fernandez X, Desneux N, Michel T, Lavoir AV* (2021) Feeding guild determines strength of top-down forces in multitrophic system experiencing bottom-up constraints. Science of the Total Environment 793:148544

(5) Wang MH, Ismoilov K, Li H, Zhang X, Lu ZZ, Dong YC, Feng LK, Wang S, Ye ZP, Biondi A, Desneux N, Han P* (2021) Polygyny of Tuta absoluta may affect sex pheromone-based control techniques. Entomologia Generalis 41:357-367

(6) Dong YC, Wang ZJ, Bu RY, Dai HJ, Zhou LJ, Han P*, AmiensDesneux E, Bearez P, Desneux N* (2020) Water and salt stresses do not trigger bottom-up effects on plant-mediated interspecific interactions between a leaf chewer and a sap feeder. Journal of Pest Science 93:1267-1280

(7) Han P*, Becker C, Le Bot J, Larbat R, Lavoir AV, Desneux N* (2020) Plant nutrient supply alters the magnitude of indirect interactions between insect herbivores: from foliar chemistry to community dynamics. Journal of Ecology 108:1497-1510

(8) Han P*, Becker C, Sentis A, Rostas M, Desneux N, Lavoir AV (2019) Global change-driven modulation of bottom-up forces and cascading effects on biocontrol service. Current Opinion in Insect Science 35:27-33

(9) Han P*, Desneux N, Becker C, Larbat R, Le Bot J, Zhang J, Lavoir A (2019) Bottom-up effects of irrigation, fertilization and plant resistance on Tuta absoluta: implications for Integrated Pest Management. Journal of Pest Science 92(4):1359-1370

(10) Han P*, Bayram Y, Shaltiel-Harpaz L, Sohrabi F, Saji A, Uulu TE, Jalilov A, Ali A, Shashank PR,Ismoilov K, Lu ZZ, Wang S, Zhang GF, Wan FH, Biondi A, Desneux N (2019) Tuta absoluta continues to disperse in Asia: damage, ongoing management and future challenges. Journal of Pest Science 92:1317-1327 (ESI高被引论文)(番茄潜叶蛾亚洲综述)

(11) Han P*, Zhang YN, Lu ZZ, Wang S, Biondi A, Desneux N (2018) Are we ready for the invasion of Tuta absoluta? Unanswered key questions for elaborating an Integrated Pest Management package in Xinjiang, China. Entomologia Generalis 38(2):113-125

(12) Gu SM, Han P, Ye ZP, Perkins L, Li J, Wang HQ, Zalucki MP, Lu ZZ* (2018) Climate change favors a destructive agricultural pest in temperate regions: late spring cold matters. Journal of Pest Science 91:1191-1198

(13) 19. Han P*, Desneux N, Amiens-Desneux E, Le Bot J, Bearez P, Lavoir AV (2016) Does Plant Cultivar Difference Modify the Bottom-Up Effects of Resource Limitation on Plant-Insect Herbivore Interactions? Journal of Chemical Ecology. 42:1293-1303

(14) Han P*, Wang ZJ, Lavoir AV, Michel T, Seassau A, Zheng WY, Niu CY, Desneux N* (2016) Increased water salinity applied to tomato plants accelerates the development of the leaf miner Tuta absoluta through bottom-up effects. Scientific Reports. 6: 32403; doi: 10.1038/srep32403

(15) Han P*, Velasco-Hernández MC, Ramirez-Romero R, Desneux N (2016) Behavioral effects of insect-resistant genetically modified crops on phytophagous and beneficial arthropods: a review. Journal of Pest Science. 89(4): 859-883

(16) Larbat R, Adamowicz S, Robin C, Han P, Desneux N, Le Bot J* (2016) Interrelated responses of tomato plants and the leaf miner Tuta absoluta to nitrogen supply. Plant biology. 18(3): 495-504

(17) Han P, Dong YC, Lavoir AV, Adamowicz S, Bearez P, Wajnberg E, Desneux N* (2015) Effect of plant nitrogen and water status on the foraging behavior and fitness of an omnivorous arthropod. Ecology and Evolution 5(23): 5468-5477

(18) Han P, Bearez P, Adamowicz S, Lavoir AV, Desneux N* (2015) Nitrogen and water limitations in tomato plants trigger negative bottom-up effects on the omnivorous predator Macrolophus pygmaeus. Journal of Pest Science. 88(4):685-691

(19) Han P, Niu CY*, Desneux N (2014) Identification of top-down forces regulating cotton aphid population growth in transgenic Bt cotton in central China. PloS ONE. 9(8): e102980

(20) Han P, Lavoir AV, Le Bot J, Amiens-Desneux E, Desneux N* (2014) Nitrogen and water availability to tomato plants triggers bottom-up effects on the leafminer Tuta absoluta. Scientific Reports 4: 4455; doi: 10.1038/srep04455

(21) Biondi A*, Chailleux A, Lambion J, Han P, Zappalà L, Desneux N (2013) Indigenous natural enemies attacking Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in southern France. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 23: 117-121

(22) Han P, Niu CY*, Biondi A, Desneux N (2012) Does transgenic Cry1Ac+CpTI cotton pollen affect hypopharyngeal gland development and midgut proteolytic enzyme activity in the honey bee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae)? Ecotoxicology 21:2214-2221

(23) Han P, Wang X, Niu CY*, Dong YC, Zhu JQ, Desneux N (2011) Population dynamics, phenology and overwintering of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera:Tephritidae) in Wuhan (Hubei Province), China. Journal of Pest Science 84: 289-295

(24) Han P, Niu CY*, Lei CL, Cui JJ, Desneux N (2010) Use of an innovative T-tube maze assay and the Proboscis Extension Response assay to assess sublethal effects of GM products and pesticides on learning capacity of the honey bee Apis mellifera L. Ecotoxicology. 19:1612-1619

(25) Han P, Niu CY*, Lei CL, Cui JJ, Desneux N (2010) Quantification of toxins in a Cry1Ac+CpTI cotton cultivar and its potential effects on the honey bee Apis mellifera L. Ecotoxicology. 19:1452-1459











